• 「KUON」に登録・ログインするには、どうすればいいですか?
    How can I register and log in to KUON?
    ※ IDとパスワードはご自身で保管の上、紛失等に十分に注意して下さい。
    ※ ID(登録メールアドレス)は、卒業及び退職後も利用可能なアドレスを登録して下さい。
    If you wish to register as a new user, please click “New Users,” and register in accordance with your status (i.e. graduate student, undergraduate student, or faculty member). Once your registration has been completed, your user ID and password will be issued (note: your ID will be the same as the e-mail address that you registered). Once you have received your ID and password, please use them to log in to your members’ page (“My Page”).
    * Please keep your ID and password private and take care not to lose or forget them.
    * Please ensure that the e-mail address that you register as your ID is one that you can continue to use after your graduation or retirement.
  • マイページにログインすると何ができますか?
    What can I do in My Page?
    • 生涯メールの申請及び利用(転送機能の設定も可能)
    • 優待利用券の印刷
    • 住所・メールアドレス・パスワード等の登録者情報の変更
    • 登録者検索機能及び私書箱機能の利用 (※詳細は次のQをご覧ください)
    After logging in to your My Page, you will be able to use the following functions:
    • Apply for and use lifelong e-mail service (and also set the forwarding function).
    • Print out complimentary online tickets.
    • Change your registered information, such as your address, e-mail address, password, etc.
    • Use the directory search and mailbox functions (please see Q. 3 for details).
  • 『登録者検索機能』と『私書箱機能』とは何ですか?
    What are the directory search and mailbox functions?
    The directory search and mailbox functions are only available to graduates, full-time faculty members, and retired full-time faculty members. These functions enable you to search for other registered users by specifying search conditions (name, faculty, year of graduation, etc.), and then send messages to them. You can choose to keep your own details hidden or available to other users.
  • 『生涯メールサービス』について教えて下さい。
    Please tell me about the lifelong e-mail service.
    The Kyoto University Lifelong Email service provides users with an email address that can be used to send and receive emails. The format of the address is “your name + random alphanumeric characters@kyoto-u.jp.” Please note that the service is for sending and receiving emails only, and Kyoto University will not be held responsible for the use of any services other than the email function, which is provided by Google, Inc. Please refer to the FAQ for more information.
    * Please note that the numbers and letters that appear after your name in the lifelong e-mail address are randomly generated and cannot be deleted or altered.
  • 『生涯メールサービス』の申込み方法について教えて下さい。
    How can I apply for the lifelong e-mail service?

    ◎ 申請手順 (日本語): https://u.kyoto-u.jp/ufs19


    • 生涯メールの申請には、免許証やパスポートなどの本人確認書類の提出が必要となります。
    • 本人確認書類の提出は、「アップロード(添付)提出」又は「郵送/FAX提出」を選択して頂けます。
    • 本人確認書類が未提出の場合、生涯メールサービスの申込は受理されません。
    • 本人確認書類が未提出の場合、『生涯メールアドレス発行における本人確認について』という通知メールが送信されますが、メール送信後1ヶ月が経過しても提出がない場合は、申請が取り消されます。
    To apply for the lifelong e-mail service, first need to register for KUON, and then log in to your members’ “My Page.”

    ◎ Application procedure (English):  https://u.kyoto-u.jp/bvpb2

    Please Note:
    • You will need to submit your ID documents, such as your driver’s license or passport when applying for the lifelong e-mail service.
    • You choose can to submit the documents via online “upload” or “by post/FAX.”
    • Your application will not be accepted without the submission of valid ID documents.
    • If your ID documents are not received, you will be sent an e-mail titled “Regarding the identity verification documents for the lifelong e-mail address.”
    • If you do not submit your ID documents within one month after the above mail is sent, your application will be canceled.
  • 生涯メールアドレスは、申請後どのくらいで発行されますか?
    How long will it take to issue the lifelong e-mail address after I submit my application?
    It normally takes approximately one week to issue the lifelong e-mail address, provided there are no problems with your application.
    However it may take approximately two weeks during peak seasons, such as March and September.
  • 優待特典を利用するにはどうすればいいですか?
    How can I use complimentary online tickets?
    Please present your smartphone displaying the “Use of offers” screen at the relevant shop or facility.
    To display the “Use of offers” screen, first tap the “Special Offers” banner on your “My Page,” and then, from the offers menu page, tap “Use this offer” for the offer that you wish to use.
    * If you need to make a reservation from a dedicated URL to use the offer, the URL will be displayed on the “Use of offers” screen.
    * If you don’t have smartphone, please print out the “Use of offers” screen and present it at the relevant shop or facility.
  • 優待特典の提供に協力したい場合は、どうすればいいですか?
    What should I do if I want to provide a special offer or service for KUON members?
    Please contact the Kyoto University Alumni Service at the following e-mail address: kuon@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp. Please also do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
  • 「京大アラムナイ」と「KUON」は、なぜ統合したのですか?
    Why were the Kyodai Alumni and KUON services merged?
    Formerly, the Kyodai Alumni and KUON services were provided separately by Kyoto University Alumni. However, the provision of two separate services caused some confusion among users with regards to the difference between the services, which of the services users had registered for, and how to switch from one service to the other. To address those issues, the two services have now been integrated into one single easy-to-use service.
MAIL : kuon*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (*を@ に変えてください)

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